Worship the Lord your God!
1 Peter 3:15
Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.
Always worship Christ as your Lord. This is important, by so doing, you are making a clear statement on who is your Lord. To yourself, to people around you and even the enemy. Remember the 10 commandments that Moses wrote as instructed by God, one of them makes it clear that we shall not worship any other god besides Him, very important! God does not want to share His glory, His honour, because He has no rival, and He has no equal. No one is above Him. Therefore, we need to worship Him, giving Him the honour that He deserves. I'm certain we'll agree that the Lord deserves the honour and glory, for who He is and what He has done for us.
When we put our trust in Him, this would be evident to everybody else, and that is why this verse urges us to know and have an answer ready in case someone asks about your hope as a believer. God wants us to be ready to talk about where our hope is, who we trust and why. This is also to lead others to the path of righteousness, to the light. A lot of people are living in darkness as the bible says, but God has given us His light, hence wherever we are, we show this light and people can see something different in us. Which is why, we must be ready not to take the glory for ourselves but to give it back to God, because it is not our doing, but it is God in us that is doing all these wonderful things in and through us.
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