Your heart will be filled with joy, as you trust the Lord more.

 Psalm 28:7

The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.

This verse stands truth in my life, as indeed the Lord has been my strength when I'm weak, my shield when I'm faced with many attacks. He comes to my rescue. You get to see the Lord at work in your life, when faced with difficulties. Which is God allowing some of these challenges, because when everything is going well, as humans (also learning from the Israelites), it is easy to nearly fool ourselves that we are in control and are doing things for ourselves, when actually it is God behind the scenes orchestrating everything. This is why when you are faced with difficulty, you kneel down and cry out to the Lord, and when you start seeing change and victory, you can't take credit for yourself, but are compelled to give God all the praise and honour. It is the same with sickness, you wouldn't be 100% convinced that the Lord is our healer, but once you experience sickness, and you put your truth in Him, when healing comes, you become convinced that indeed God has healed. 

May this verse show you that you are not alone, the Lord wants to help you, He wants to fill your heart with joy, but you have to trust Him with everything, surrender all and allow Him to be in control of your life. This will lead to victory after victory, as you watch God fight for you. Embrace His presence and feel the peace that surpasses all understanding (not because there are no storms, but because God is with you).


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