God says we must not judge others...

 Matthew 7:1-2

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged."

The Lord cautions us that we must not judge each other, because that is not our role, Should we find ourselves judging others, that would be the same measure that is used to judge us. The Lord is the only judge, because He sees everything, He knows everything and He is the Creator of everything. We are limited. This reminds me of the story of Saul, the one described in the book of Acts, where this man was persecuting Christians, killing and jailing others. However, the Lord interevened and changed him completely through an intervention that led to his blindness and the Lord spoke to him in Acts 9. This is when a turnaround took place and Saul changed and became the follower of Christ and started preaching the word of the Lord.

In this case, judging Saul in one season when he was going to be a changed man in another, would be wrong. Which is why, we are limited in knowledge of the future, however, the Lord sees all, which is why we should leave everything to Him. 

It may be a difficult thing though, not falling for the trap of being judgemental, but this is then the area that we can call on the Lord to come and assist us, so that we don't get into trouble judging others. The Lord is merciful and everything is possible with Him. On our own, we couldn't. May this be caution that you must not judge others, you don't know their story, leave it unto the Lord.


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