May you be surrounded by loyal and helpful people this season...

 Proverbs 17:17

A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.

God has sent people in our lives, to help us make it through in life. We are not meant to live like an island, but to be a community that cares and help one another. This verse reminds us that friends are loyal and, in this case, they can be counted on. You may be free to get good counsel and can depend on them when you need them. Also, siblings, whether blood or not, are there to help you when you need help. This is why they say the company you keep, is critical and these people can either make or break you. Good friends and brothers can help make your life easier and fruitful, as they'll be able to help and support you. However, bad ones, can lead you astray and get you in trouble. Which is why we ought to assess the people around us, whether they can be trusted and kept close or they are to be loved from a distance.

My prayer for you this year, is for the Lord to reveal to you in your circle who is loyal and should be kept going forward and also may He reveal those that are pretentious and having bad intentions for you, and may they be removed from your circle. This process is painful (ask me I've been through it), but it is necessary, it is part of the pruning process that God undertakes in our lives. Remember what Jesus told us about being pruned in John 15, where He made an example about our Father being the Gardner, pruning off the branches to bear much fruit- that is the process. Allow the Lord to prune you, so that you may be even more fruitful for the kingdom of God. You will be rewarded...


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