Play your role and God will do the rest!

 1 Corinthians 3:7

It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.

This verse is so encouraging. In the kingdom of God, we are called to make disciples of God, through our lives and through the gifts that God placed in us. Now, God made us unique for a reason, that we would complement each other. Therefore, the role we play is different. For example, a preacher who teaches the word of God to someone who has never heard anything about the Lord, plays a different role to someone who gives prophecy about what is still to come, because the seed of the word of God had already been planted to that person, now revelations are made about something else. However, the message is one, about Jesus and His kingdom. Which is why this verse says it doesn't matter who played which role to get that particular person to find salvation, what matters is that God is the one that would make that seed that was planted to grow.

This is applicable to many other areas in life, take teachers at school for example, they plant the seed of knowledge to the kids, and the lecturers at the university water the seed that was already planted. This is a reminder to you that it doesn't matter which role you play in the big picture or project or mission, what matters the most is that you play your part and God will do the rest. He will grow the seed that you and your fellow Christ followers have planted and watered. Which is why it is important to focus on your lane, stop comparing yourself with others, as they are running a different race from yours (2 Timothy 4:7). If you copy them, you'll get frustrated and get nowhere as God has not given you the anointing to do that. Know who you are, what you are blessed with (gifts/talents) and use them, steward what God has blessed you with, it will be smoother, and you will be fruitful (read the parable of talents in Matthew 25:14-30).


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