The Lord is our refuge, in time of trouble

 Psalm 46:1

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.

Because God loves and cares for us so much, He has become our refuge, our hiding place. When trouble comes, we run to Him like our Father, who will receive us with warm arms and protect us. As our Father, He is willing and able to defend us, with what we may be facing, He is able to take vengeance (Romans 12:19), on our behalf as He wants us to remain with a clean heart. He urges us to forgive and let go, whilst He would handle the matter for us, in His own time and in His own way. What a wonderful Father we have!

This is why it is important to know to whom we run to, when (not if) trouble comes. Do we turn our backs on God and seek our own ways of dealing with that trouble, and end up with blood on our hands, or do we run to Him, who is trustworthy, loving and knows all? May 2024 be the year where you shift your focus, see God for who He really is, a loving, kind and protective Father, who wants you to bring ALL your troubles to Him, so that He may assist you. On our own, we are nothing, but with God, we are more than conquerors. May this year be the year where you overcome your fears and go for that which God has called you for, don't do it alone, but invite God to help you with it. He is interested in you.



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