You can be a blessing to your bloodline, to a thousand generation!

 Deuteronomy 7:9

Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps His covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commands.

One thing is for sure, God is faithful and He wants to just lavish His love on us. The key thing is how we see Him and how we feel about Him, that makes the difference. As per this particular bible verse, God says He lavishes His love to those who love Him! Very important, don't miss out on the unfailing love of God, that He promises not just for you, but your bloodline, which runs to thousands of generations, imagine! Our actions have an impact on the next generation and the next. You can be the key in your family, the one who say "yes" to God and love God with all your heart, and God favour you and all your descendants! Look at Abraham, through him, as his descendants by faith, we are reaping rewards (read Genesis 12). 

So, make a conscious decision that you want to be a blessing to your family, to this generation and many generations to come, by choosing the kingdom of God. Say yes to His presence and guiding ways. Choose Him above all else, there is a reward, for you and yours. 


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