Love your enemies, and pray for them too!

 Matthew 5:43-44

“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!

We no longer live under law, but under grace (since the resurrection of Christ). In this verse Jesus is giving us instructions about love. He says we must love our enemies and pray for them. This is as a result that the kingdom of God is not based on paying evil-for-evil, but it is about love (God is love). Therefore, we are not expected to only love our friends and families and those whom we may choose, but we are to love everyone, including those that do you wrong. A very tough one, but through Christ, all things are possible. This is quite in-line with another command, that is equally difficult, which is forgiveness. We need to realize that we wouldn't be achieve the instruction above, if we are still angry, bitter and seeking vengeance. God says forgive (for you) and leave everything in His hands because vengeance belongs to Him (Romans 12:19). Let it go, and love and pray for your enemies.

Jesus instructs us to do this because He loves us, and He wants us to spread His love wherever we go. He doesn't want us to carry poison around (inside), which will be a matter of time until it eats us up. But He wants us to release any hard feelings and allow Him to heal us, so that we may be restored and whole again. Should you find this difficult to do, don't run away from God, instead run to Him and surrender all, ask Him to help- you; He certainly will help you. Stay clean, don't allow the negativity to corrupt you. You are a diamond...


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