The Lord doesn't want anyone to be destroyed...

 2 Peter 3:9

The Lord isn’t really being slow about His promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.

The Lord is so gracious, and His mercy cannot be contained. If only we can realize that God is not out there to catch us up, to destroy or punish us. Instead, He is out there giving us chance after chance, only if we see our wrong and repent. With God, the key to this is for us to repent where we've done wrong (knowingly or unknowingly). Thus, recognizing that something was not right, and turning away from it. Like Jesus kept saying in the New Testament when He delivered someone from their wrong or mistake, that "go and sin no more". All is forgiven. However, we also need to realize that when God shows us our faults and leads us to repent, and we don't, best believe that He is the Judge and He will judge as He sees fit. Ensure that you don't find yourself on the wrong side of the fence when that happens.

May this serve as a reminder that as people, we will make mistakes, however, those mistakes should not alienate us from God. He wants us to run to Him with our mistakes and ask for forgiveness, He is more than ready to forgive and give a clean slate. Also, let this be a reminder that where God gives us His grace, to realize our mistake and repent, let us do so. Pride aside.


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