We are the body of Christ, let us act accordingly...
1 Corinthians 12:25-27
This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.
This is so critical for us to understand. We are part of Christ's body, which means we are all important in our own way. God created us to be unique so that we may complement each other and make the body of Christ function properly. Just like a human body that has different parts that complements one another, same with us. We need to acknowledge and embrace that, so that the body can function well, as God has ordained for it to.
Furthermore, God wants us to be there for one another, as when one part in Christ's body suffers, the whole body suffers (just like with the human body), hence we would need to support one another. Also, when one part is being celebrated, the whole body is honoured. This is how we should see each other and the roles that we play, the assignments that the Lord has given us. We are called to perform our tasks well, so that the body of Christ functions well, and to also be of assistance to others, who may need help fulfilling their assignments. It is not a competition, but a matter of each one knowing what their role is, and doing just that, without comparing to others or being jealous of others. Remember, the time you spend being jealous of others, is time wasted that you could be focusing on your own assignment. Rather look at it in a positive way, and be on the lookout to support those that are in need. I'm certain the Lord will bless you...
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