Keep your eyes on Jesus!

Hebrews 12:2

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now He is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.

We need to follow on Jesus' footsteps, by keeping our eyes focused on what our Father has assigned us to do and keep at it. Jesus endured so much, pain, shame, crucifixion, but not once did He put His cross down and give up, because of what the people around Him were saying or doing. They must've cursed Him, spat at Him, lied about Him, rejected Him, but He still kept going. For this reason, He received His price and that He is now seated on the right hand of our Father, on the throne, the place of honour! And this, is forever. This shows that life can throw at us so much junk, lies, condemnation, curses, being laughed at, being gossiped about but we need to keep our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith! The One who knows our beginning and end, the One who understands exactly and is currently pleading with God for us.

Therefore, let us not get distracted and side-tracked by all the noises all around us. That is a plot from the enemy to distract and get us off course. I'm currently going through a situation where there's noise around, one that part of me wants to stand and address it, but God is telling me to let it go and stay focused. He reminded me that I have an assignment that needs my attention, which is all so true, hence, there is no time to stop and argue. It is not easy, but when you switch off all the noises and just listen to what God says, it makes it possible to ignore and stay focused on what's important. I'm currently leaving the rest to God to sort out. He is our vindicator afterall (Romans 12:19)...



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