You are a Masterpiece!

 Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.

When God created us, He was making masterpieces! Which is why we are all unique from each other, but all made in God's image. This shows that when God created us, He wasn't bored or unsure of what He was doing, but He put in an effort in His work, and I'm certain He did confirm like with all His other creations, that "it was good". This is now a plea to all of us, to see ourselves the way God sees us -  a masterpiece! The world may have labelled you, called you names, said negative things about you or your situation; God does not want you to mind that, rather to focus on what He said about you! As your Creator, you should pay attention to Him, not to other humans who are limited in knowledge. 

I believe if we can all do that, no one would be jealous of another, no one would compare themselves to others and no one would wish to be somebody else, because we would be appreciating the masterpieces that God made us to be. See yourself as God sees you, you are special, you have a purpose and that is worth celebrating and pursuing. Let God know you appreciate His efforts in making you a masterpiece, embrace what He has done and see yourself flourish...


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