Give your worries to Him...

 1 Peter 5:7

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.

God knew that life will never be smooth-sailing all the way, everyday. He knew that there will be turmoil, storms and mountains in front of us, in some seasons of our lives. Which is why He told us in advance that WHEN not if, but when we come across those challenges, and they start worrying us, we should call on Him. We must bring them to Him through prayer. God understands that we might not be able to fight-off everything ourselves, in our own strength, which is why He gave us an invitation to call on Him. Also, it is in a way, strategic that we wouldn't rely on ourselves, for everything, but we would depend on Him.

Philippians 4:6-7 also emphasizes this point that we must not be anxious for anything, but through prayer bring our petition to God, with thanksgiving. God wants us to always have a grateful heart, no matter the circumstance. There should be atleast one thing that we can still be grateful for, even during dark days. 

What we need to remember, is that God cares for us, we are never alone, He is there to support us and to bring us through the challenges we may face. We just need to call on Him...


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