Say "yes" to the call

 Luke 1:36-38 

Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. For no word from God will ever fail.” “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

Mary (mother of Jesus) was having a conversation with an angel of God, that brought her news that would change her life forever. News that she was going to carry the Son of God. How amazing and at the same time overwhelming (for a young girl who was still a virgin and engaged to be married). The angel also confirmed another miracle about her relative Elizabeth who couldn't have children, that she was also pregnant by the grace of God. A twin-miracle indeed! 

Even though this was going to course a stir for Mary and her family (to have fallen pregnant), she said "Yes" to God. She allowed God to use her for His great purpose (we are truly grateful).

Lessons for us from Mary is that, God chooses anyone for His will and purposes. In most cases, He chooses the most unqualified, over-looked and least popular to carry out a plan. This can bring judgement from other people, shame or a shift that pulls us out of our comfort zone. This tends to be a matter of choosing between pleasing people or pleasing God. Like Mary, choose the narrow gate, God is eternal, He is the ultimate Judge. One day we will have to account to Him on what we did with our lives. Hence, follow what He says and lean on Him. He is a rewarder and it is wonderful to play a role in His big plan. Trust Him.


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