Set your mind on things above...

Colossians 3:1-2

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand.

We have gained a new life in Christ when we received Him into our lives, where the bible describes the act of being baptized as dying with Christ and rising with Him, to a new life. Therefore the old life being gone and new one have arrived. This means, this is not just an act, but by faith we receive being guided by the Holy Spirit, living a life that is no longer self-driven but God controlled. In this case, we are no longer worried about the things of the world, but are setting our thoughts on things above, as in Matthew 6:33 where we seek the kingdom of God first, and leaving the rest for God to add unto our lives as He knows we need those things. In practice this means, you don't spend most of your time worrying about getting a new car, but you put your focus on God, on the things He has assigned you and leaving the rest to Him. He said He is our provider, and thus, He will provide. You may have the desire to get a new car, but that doesn't mean you will now be consumed by the thought of a new car, God says He knows all our desires and He will provide. 

What now consumes your thoughts becomes things that matter to God. The assignment that He has for you, the things He wants to achieve through you. Serving others instead of being served all the time. Being generous to others. I believe the Holy Spirit has everything to do with changing our desires and drawing us to want to do more for others. If God was able to control Pharaoh and make his heart to be stubborn, I believe God is able to turn our hearts of stone to be gentle hearts that are always considerate of others. That's why we are told that God looks at the heart, not the outside appearance (1 Samuel 16). 
When you do that, you will receive your reward and sit at the throne with Christ with your enemies as your footstool (Psalm 110:1).


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