We have been freed from fear!

 Psalm 34:4

I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. 

Prayer is an important aspect of our lives, a tool that we use to communicate to God everything that is in our hearts. God is so close to us, so close like our breath. This is described in the book of Acts 17:28 and it says: "He is the God as close to you, as near to you as your own breath! He is the God in whom “we live and move and have our being”. This paints a picture that God sees every moment of our lives, whether we are sleeping, awake, working, praying, He sees and hears everything. Therefore, there is no such thing that God doesn't hear you pray (which you can assume to be the reason for the lack of answers to your prayers). Remember, we don't operate on the same timing as God. This means at times the answer has already been given, but it will manifest at the right time (which could be in a few days, months or even years). That means God was strengthening your faith and developing patience in you. Or, He may not answer in the way you expect, as He may have something better for you; which is why we need to have an open heart and surrender to His will. Accept and allow what He says and gives. He knows what's best. Bottom line is, God does answer and this should serves as something that strengthens our faith in Him.

Furthermore, God sent Jesus to the cross to give us freedom from sins and things that were binding us. Now that the work is done on the cross, we may be free! Freedom from fear is a big deal, as fear can freeze you, it can stop your life and it can stop you from dreaming and being the person God designed you to be. A sure thing is that fear comes from the enemy, as a plot to block you from achieving amazing things with your Father. Remember we are told that God gave us not the spirit of fear, but of love, sound mind and power! Therefore, when fear comes knocking, start rejecting and rebuking the devil, he will flee away (James 4:7). Receive the Holy Spirit freeing you, for the bible says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). Receive your freedom in Jesus name!


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