Be wise and build your foundation on the Lord!

 Proverbs 18:10

The name of the LORD is a strong fortress; the Godly run to Him and are safe.

This verse reminds us that God is dependable in whom we can build our strong foundation. In such a way that, when trouble hits, we can run to Him and be safe. He is our shelter, our protector and our strength, we can never go wrong. Jesus explains in Matthew 7:24-26 about those who hear and put His word into practice, are like a man that builds his house on a rock, that when storms hit, the house will be standing strong, as it is built on a strong foundation. However, a house built on sand, when storm hits, it will be destroyed. The latter refers to a person whose trust is not on the Lord, but other things.

Thus, decide for yourself, in whom will you build your house, your foundation. The Lord is calling on you to do what is wise, and partner with Him, allow Him to be the strong fortress so that you have safety at all times. Psalm 91 confirms this for the righteous, that thousands may fall on this side, ten thousand all around but the righteous, will still be standing. For your safety and peace of mind, build your house on Him, He is a strong foundation for us.


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