
Showing posts from March, 2024

Let us spread the good news!

 Mark 16:15 And then He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Wow, how amazing when God knits things together, I was sharing this with my Kids Ministry two weeks ago, and we touched on it briefly yesterday. This was a command from the Lord, for us to go to the world and tell everyone about the Good News! One may ask, what is the good news? It's simple, the good news is that God loved us so much, that He sent His beloved Son to die for our sins, so that we may be saved! Furthermore, His Son was crucified, died a painful death for us, but the good news is that He rose after three days, He conquered the grave, He conquered darkness. Our king is alive and seated in heaven on the right-hand of our Father, interceding for us! That is the good news! In the verse for today, Jesus is now commanding us, not to keep such good news to ourselves but to spread the news to others so that they too, can be saved and have access to our Father, the love He has and li...

You are a Masterpiece!

 Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. When God created us, He was making masterpieces! Which is why we are all unique from each other, but all made in God's image. This shows that when God created us, He wasn't bored or unsure of what He was doing, but He put in an effort in His work, and I'm certain He did confirm like with all His other creations, that "it was good". This is now a plea to all of us, to see ourselves the way God sees us -  a masterpiece! The world may have labelled you, called you names, said negative things about you or your situation; God does not want you to mind that, rather to focus on what He said about you! As your Creator, you should pay attention to Him, not to other humans who are limited in knowledge.  I believe if we can all do that, no one would be jealous of another, no one would compare themselves to others and no one would wish...

God says be strong and courageous!

 Joshua 1:9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” God wants us to be bold and courageous no matter what we may face. He does not want us to have fear (2 Timothy 1:7), which can cripple and bind us, but to realize that He is with us and for us, which should give us courage to act in a certain way, knowing that He is with us. We see this so many times in the bible stories, where God gives His children big tasks and He tells them not to be afraid, but to be bold and courageous. Some of these examples include Moses, who was given a big task to go face Pharaoh, who was known to have an intimidating character because He was a king. Also, Mary, who was given a big task to become pregnant as a teenager and carry Jesus; that must've been an uneasy task. In all these stories, we see God coming through for them, helping them and achieving great results.  This gives us an idea that, when we also fa...

Keep your eyes on Jesus!

Hebrews 12:2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now He is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. We need to follow on Jesus' footsteps, by keeping our eyes focused on what our Father has assigned us to do and keep at it. Jesus endured so much, pain, shame, crucifixion, but not once did He put His cross down and give up, because of what the people around Him were saying or doing. They must've cursed Him, spat at Him, lied about Him, rejected Him, but He still kept going. For this reason, He received His price and that He is now seated on the right hand of our Father, on the throne, the place of honour! And this, is forever. This shows that life can throw at us so much junk, lies, condemnation, curses, being laughed at, being gossiped about but we need to keep our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith! The On...

Make God's beautiful deeds known...

 1 Chronicles 16:24 Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does. Wow, this is such a timely word for me, considering the journey I'm currently in. God is a faithful Father, who is true to His word. Numbers 23:19 tells us that He is not a man that He should lie and that what He says, shall be. Furthermore, God informs us of things to come, through various platforms and through different servants of His. It is up to us to receive the word, believe and wait for it to come to pass, or to just disregard it. I have learned that God is able to speak to me through His servants that could be talking to a number of people, but that He is able to speak exactly to my situation. So, for me, it is time that I make His glorious deeds known. I believe what God told me, is manifesting faster than I can even keep up with. One of them is the grace God has shown me through the selection into the Mrs South Africa programme, this has not been my doing but...

We have peace bacause of what Christ has done for us...

 Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Peace is everything to me, when there's something not right in my spirit, I become uncomfortable, unsettled and unhappy. Which is why it is so pleasing to hear that we have been made right with God by faith, by an act of Jesus obeying and seeing it through for Him to be crucified like that, has made us righteous with God and He is pleased with us. This verse tells us that we have peace with God, what a relief this is! No longer do we have to worry about the mistakes we made and the shame they brought us, but because Jesus' blood cleansed us completely, we can have peace in our hearts and just enjoy our relationship with our Father. Isaiah 44:22 says " I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.” Isn't thi...

When we confess, the Lord forgives and cleanses us

 1 John 1:19 But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. As humans, we can't claim to be perfect, that we get it right everytime; only Jesus can. We are bound to knowingly or unknowingly sin, do something that is not pleasing to the Lord. This is why God has made an allowance for us, to find forgiveness where we have wronged. The most important aspect of it, is to recognize the wrong and take it to the Lord in prayer, to repent of whatever act that may be. God already knows about it and He has already forgiven you, what God looks at, is the heart. God is forgiving and He never holds any grudges against our short comings. Instead, He gives us His grace to do better, through His word that guides us (Psalm 119:105). Never hold a burden of unforgiveness of what you have done or what somebody else has done. Realize that the prize has already been paid and you have been forgiven. In the same way that the Lord fo...